Monday 31 March 2014

Data Or No Data, FireChat Gets You Chatting

Of course there are several chat services around - WeChat, WhatsApp, and a host of others - but this is quite different. FireChat is an iOS-enabled app which uses Apple's Multipeer Connectivity framework essentially a peer-to-peer feature that lets you share messages with other app users nearby. This app does not require any data connection whatsoever to work.

The app browses for other users nearby while simultaneously broadcasting to peers that it is available to connect to. According to the company, this "Nearby" mode works best when the devices are within 30-feet.
This allows you to be invited into a "session" with multiple users. Each user has to be within range of just one member of the chat, so the mesh can spread outwards and cover a lot more range as more people join in.

As good as the app sounds its very limiting. Why would you want to download a chat service that you can only send or receive messages within close range. It doesn't sound like an advantage. However, it could be a good tool for enterprise.

The app can only work on iOS for now. The android version is underway.

So, what do you think about the app? Share your opinion below.

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